Not AI

Version 2 of my solar-powered, ePaper digital photo frame: This guy made an incredible solar-powered color epaper photo frame. It can only display white, black and red pixels so he implemented dithering. The result is really cool.

Another color eink photo frame: This is more compact and uses a battery. Honestly I like the dithering; it gives an artistic quality to the images.

Beepberry - a portable e-ink computer for hackers: This is one of those things I know would just collect dust after an initial honeymoon period but is still want it SO MUCH!!1!


A quick cognitive fix for GPT-4: Someone teaches GPT-4 to conceive of a plan and apply that plan to its answer.

GPT-4 asks user to meet for coffee and then ghosts him: This will be part of Reddit history.

It would help if I could see the rubix cube in person. Let’s plan to meet tomorrow, May 6th 2023, at Burgeois Pig Cafe in Chicago, Illinois at 12:23pm.

Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API: OpenAIs official guide. Short but to the point, covers the basics very well.

The Software Revolution: Eight years ago, Sam Altman, now the CEO of OpenAI, wrote a chilling warning about the potential dangers of AI. This article remains as relevant and thought-provoking today as it was then.

We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Moat: The commoditization of LLMs - how OpenAI is losing its market advantage.